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Entomology Seminar Archive

Spring 2024 Series

These seminars are from a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title.

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
January 18th Daniel McGarvey Virginia Commonwealth University Sergio Sabat-Bonilla, Sally Entrekin, & Ento DEI Committee

Health, Inclusion, Insecta: an Unexpected Yet Timely Trifecta

January 25th Jay Evans USDA-ARS Dorothea Tholl & Margaret Couvillon

Managing Pollinator Health

February 1st Catherine Febria University of Windsor Sally Entrekin

One informs the other: Harmonizing habitat and benthic invertebrate monitoring in community-up stewardship and species at risk conservation in the Great Lakes Basin

February 8th Jason Rasgon Penn State University Warren Booth CANCELED
February 15th

Tappey Jones

Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, VMI Anne Jones

Forty-eight Years in Arthropod Chemical Ecology

February 22nd Ashley Jernigan Virginia Tech School of Plant and Environmental Science Thomas Kuhar The role of soil microarthropods in sustainable cropping systems
February 29th William Lamp University of Maryland Thomas Kuhar

Non-target effects of Bt corn debris on stream structure and function: The changing approach of environmental risk assessment

March 7th Spring Break - No Seminar - - -
March 14th ESA - No Seminar - - -
March 21st Jessica Ware American Museum of Natural History W.B. Alwood Entomological Society

Research Seminar: Insect evolution, with an emphasis on Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies)

Diversity Seminar: A Conversation with Dr. Jessica Ware - Biodiversity: Diversifying Museums and Entomology 

March 28th Lindsay Miles Virginia Tech Entomology Warren Booth Arthropod gene flow and genetic drift in urban environments 
April 4th Julián Hillyer Vanderbilt University Aaron Gross Not so heartless: functional integration of the immune and circulatory systems of mosquitoes
April 11th Margarita López-Uribe Penn State University Margaret Couvillon, Courtney Walls, & Lindsay Johnson Buzzing through Time: The Interplay of Ecology, Evolution, and Humans on Bees’ Recent History**
April 18th Thomas Chouvenc University of Florida Morgan Wilson & Dini Miller Termite biology, evolution and control
April 25th Jonathan Auguste Virginia Tech Entomology Tim Kring The Tale of an Insect-Specific Virus: from Ecology to Vaccine Development

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available.

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded. 

Fall 2023 Series

These seminars are from a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title.

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
September 7th Paul Huxley Virginia Tech Statistics Sally Entrekin Trait-based approaches to understanding thermal adaptation in arthropods
September 14th Noah Rose University of California, San Diego

Maria Sharakhova

Mosquito evolution and the emergence of mosquito-borne disease in the human era
September 21st

Ersa Buyuktahtakin Toy

Virginia Tech Industrial & Systems Engineering Scott Salom Models and Insights into Emerald Ash Borer Management in Urban Settings
September 28th

Darryl Forest

National Gallery of Art, Washington DC W.B. Alwood Entomological Society Protecting the Priceless – IPM in Art Galleries & Museums
October 5th - - - -
October 12th Carey Minteer University of Florida Tim Kring Running on the invasive treadmill: Biological control in Florida
October 19th Robert Jetton North Carolina State University Warren Booth & Scott Salom Expanding the IPM toolbox: update on Hemlock Wolly Adelgid management in the Southern Appalachians
October 26th - - - -
November 2nd

ESA Practice Talks

Virginia Tech Entomology - -
November 9th ESA Meeting - No Seminar - - -
November 16th Jonathan Auguste Virginia Tech Entomology Tim Kring CANCELLED
November 23rd Thanksgiving - No Seminar - - -
November 30th Christina Kwapich University of Massachusetts, Lowell Scotty Yang Evolution and ecological associations between ants and their myrmecophiles**

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available.

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded.

Spring 2023 Series

These seminars are from a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title. 

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
January 19th Sara Hermann Penn State University Margaret Couvillon & Shannon Bradley

Identifying a new scarecrow for agriculture: leveraging risk effects using predator cues to manipulate pest behavior

January 26th Don Weber USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD Stefan Jaronski & Thomas Kuhar

Putting pheromones to work in vegetables: steps after discovery

February 2nd Don Mullins Virginia Tech Entomology Margaret Couvillon

Cockroaches:  Weird animals that you should love…or at least appreciate

February 9th T'ai Roulston University of Virginia James Wilson & Courtney Walls Native Bee Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities 
February 16th

Christoph Grüter

University of Bristol Roger Schürch

Social information and its role in foraging

February 23rd Student Proposals Virginia Tech Paul Marek & Scotty Yang & Sally Entrekin -
March 2nd Andrea Gloria-Soria  Yale University Maria Sharakhova

Diversification patterns of Aedes invasive mosquitoes

March 9th Spring Break - No Seminar - - -
March 16th ESA Practice Talks Virginia Tech - -
March 23rd ESA - No Seminar - - -
March 30th Corrie Moreau Cornell University Aaron Gross & Scotty Yang Symbiosis in ants and why broadening our research community is essential for the best science
April 6th Elske Tielens University of Oklahoma Sally Entrekin Aerial insects in the Anthropocene: From field sampling to continental scale radar: assessing insect responses to global change
April 13th Student Proposal Virginia Tech Sally Entrekin & Thomas Kuhar -
April 20th Shannon Ronca Baylor College of Medicine Jonathan Auguste Virus-host interactions
April 27th Jessica Ware American Museum of Natural History Alwood Entomological Society & Laura McHenry Cancelled

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available.

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded. 

Fall 2022 Series

These seminars in a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title. 

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
September 8th No Seminar - - -
September 15th Kier Klepzig The Jones Center at Ichauway, GA

Sally Entrekin & Scott Salom

How insect-microbial symbioses can shape organisms and communities.
September 22nd

Stefan Jaronski

USDA/VT Entomology Sally Entrekin Fungus vs grasshopper behavioral fever
September 29th

Daniel C. Peck

Vestaron Thomas Kuhar Insecticidal peptides: Primer on a new technology yielding novel tools for pest management
October 6th Anne Jones VT Biology Sally Entrekin Selection for increased crop yield shapes plant-insect interactions
October 13th Michelle Evans-White University of Arkansas Sally Entrekin Ecology and distribution of Capniid winter stoneflies in Arkansas
October 20st Alonso Ramirez North Carolina State Sergio Sabat-Bonilla & Sally Entrekin Hurricane impacts and stream ecosystems in Puerto Rico: the response of aquatic insect assemblages
October 27th Graduate Student Proposals Virginia Tech Entomology Maria Sharakhova -
November 4th

Graduate Student Proposals

Virginia Tech Entomology Thomas Kuhar -
November 10th ESA Practice Talks Virginia Tech Entomology - -
November 17th ESA Meeting - No Seminar - - -
November 24th Thanksgiving - No Seminar - - -
Dec 1st Emily Reed Virginia Tech Global Change Center Sally Entrekin Studying policy to inform biology: an invasive species case study

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available.

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded.

Spring 2022 Series

These seminars in a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title. 

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
January 27th Matt Heron Georgia Institute of Technology Margaret Couvillon The evolution of multicellularity 
February 3rd Lorena Lopez Virginia Tech Eastern Shore AREC Thomas Kuhar  Development of sustainable management techniques for insect and mite pests in vegetable production systems
February 10th Jose R. Loaiza Smithsonian Tropical Research Insitute Gillian Eastwood Research priorities for the long-term control of Aedes mosquitoes in Panama
February 17th No Seminar - - -
February 24th No Seminar - - -
March 3rd Chow-Yang Lee University of California, Riverside Scotty Yang

Insecticide resistance and its management in bed bugs — a global perspective

March 10th Spring Break - No Seminar - - -
March 17th Lindy McBride Priceton University Maria Sharakhova Why and how a dangerous disease vector mosquito evolved to selectively target humans
March 24th Christoph Grüter University of Bristol, England Roger Schürch CANCELLED
March 31st Graduate Student Proposals Virginia Tech Entomology - -
April 7th Steve Golladay Jones Center Sally Entrekin Of Limpkins, Apple Snails, and Mayfly Mass Emergence: Invasive Species, Novel Ecosystems, and an Uncertain Future
April 14th Zach DeVries University of Kentucky Dini Miller Urban Pests, Pesticides, and Emerging Contaminants
April 21st Joe Keiper Virginia Museum of Natural History VT Entomology Forensic Entomology: Principles & Reality
April 28th Graduate Student Proposals Virginia Tech Entomology - -

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available.

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded. 

Fall 2021 Series

These seminars in a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title. 

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
September 9th Eric Day Virginia Tech Entomology Department of Entomology At a Crossroad, Recent Invasive Arthropods Threatening Virginia
September 16th Brendan Hunt University of Georgia

Roger Schürch

Supergene Mediated Social Polymorphism in the Fire Ant S. invicta
September 23rd

Isabell Kingori

Kenyatta University Gillian Eastwood Cohort Study of Infection and Treatment of Primary School Children with Mixed Schistosoma mansoniSchistosoma haematobium In Taveta Sub Country Kenya. 
September 30th

Graduate Student Proposals

- Sally Taylor -
October 7th Graduate Student Proposals - Margaret Couvillon -
October 14th Stefan Jaronski Virginia Tech Entomology & USDA ARS Department of Entomology Expect the Unexpected or You Will Miss it. Beauveria, a Pathogen of Wheat Stem Sawfly, as an Endophyte in Wheat
October 21st Christine Carrington University of the West Indies Jonathan Auguste Genomics of SARS-CoV-2 in the Caribbean
October 28th ESA Practice talks - - -
November 4th

No Seminar - ESA

- - -
November 11th Kevin Loope Georgia Southern University Margaret Couvillon TBD
November 18th Tracey Leskey USDA ARS Chris Bergh Developing Sustainable Management Tactics for an Invasive Species in a Vulnerable Cropping System: The Story of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
November 25th Thanksgiving - No Seminar - - -
Dec 2nd Graduate Student Proposals - Roger Schürch & Scotty Yang -

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available.

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded.

Spring 2021 Series

These seminars in a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title. 

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
January 28th Maria Sharakhova Virginia Tech Entomology Igor Sharakhov A journey from America to Europe: evolutionary history of the Holarctic malaria mosquitoes
February 4th Stephen Whitehead National Institutes of Health (NIH) Jonathan Auguste
Arbovirus pathogenesis and vaccine development
February 11th Tracey Leskey USDA-ARS Chris Bergh CANCELLED
February 18th Kris Silver University of Kansas Aaron Gross Unraveling Systemic RNA Interference Responses in Insects
February 25th Spring Break Day - No Seminar - - -
March 4th Shannon LaDeau Cary Institute of Ecosystem Science Mary Loften (EEB) Identifying and managing riskscapes of vector-borne disease in urban ecosystems**
March 11th Sven-Erik Spichiger WA State Dept Agriculture Entomology Graduate Students Invasive species management - Asian giant hornet in WA state
March 18th Assa Balayara Senegal Plant Protection Directorate Doug Pfeiffer Invasive pest species (oriental fruit fly and fall army worm) in Senegal/Africa
March 25th Ellen Lake USDA-ARS Scott Salom Biological Control of insects using insects against non-native plants**
April 1st Graduate Student Proposals Virginia Tech Entomology - -
April 8th Chris Fettig USDA Forest Service Scott Salom Small pests, big problems: Why bark beetles are chewing their way through western forests and what we can do about it
April 15th Natalie Clay Louisiana Tech Sally Entrekin Salted soil and salty leaves: Impacts of NaCl on detritivores in riparia
April 22nd Graduate Student Proposals Virginia Tech Entomology - -
April 29th Alexandra Cumbie Virginia Tech Entomology Gillian Eastwood Tick-borne rickettsial pathogens

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available.

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded. 

Fall 2020 Series

These seminars in a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title. 

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
September 10th Kirby Stafford Connecticut Ag. Exp. Station, & State Entomologist of CT Gillian Eastwood Strategies and Challenges to Tick-Borne Disease Prevention: It’s More Than Just Lyme Disease
September 17th Graduate Student Proposals -

Dini Miller/

Jonathan Auguste

Graduate Students: Dakotah Todd and James Carver
September 24th Michael Hoffman Cornell University Thomas Kuhar Our changing menu: What climate change means to the foods we love and need
October 1st Robert Puckett Texas A&M Dini Miller Red Imported Fire Ant management
October 8th Claudia Rückert University of Nevada James Weger Antiviral responses of Culex spp. mosquitoes – capacity building in understudied arbovirus vector mosquitoes.
October 15th Fred Gould NC State University Sally Taylor How Eugenics Impacted Agricultural Biotechnology
October 22nd Jenny Jandt University of Otago, New Zealand Maggie Couvillon Vespula wasps show consistent differences in colony-level aggression over time and across contexts
October 29th Daniel Hasegawa USDA-ARS Alejandro Del-Pozo Epidemiology of plant virus-insect vector interactions
November 5th Cerruti Hooks University of Maryland Daniel Frank Ecological-based management of insect pests
November 12th Brian Lovett West Virginia University Stefan Jaronski Insect-killing fungi and their potential as versatile biotechnology
November 19th ESA - No Seminar - - ASTMH & Entomology 2020 (ESA) Nov 16-19th
November 26th Thanksgiving - No Seminar - - -
Dec 3rd Graduate Student Proposals Virginia Tech Entomology - -

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available. 

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded. 

Spring 2020 Series

These seminars in a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title. Due to COVID-19 all in person seminars were canceled after March 5th.

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
January 23rd Megan Meuti Ohio State University Aaron Gross Uncovering the underpinnings of seasonal responses in mosquitoes
January 30th Mary Salcedo Virginia Tech Biomedical Engineering Sally Entrekin Circulation of hemolymph in the wings of the North American grasshopper
February 6th

Kathijo Jankowski

University of WI Sally Entrekin Linking land and water in a large river: Understanding the distribution and role of large wood in the Upper Mississippi River**
February 13th

Coby Schal

NC State University Dini Miller Chemical ecology in and around homes: Semiochemicals used right under our noses**
February 20th Graduate Student Proposals Virginia Tech Entomology - -
February 27th Takao Sasaki University of Georgia Maggie Couvillon Psychology of animal groups: when and how collective intelligence emerges from individual cognition
March 5th Adrian Smith NC State University Entomology Graduate Students From Social Insect Communication to Science Communication Online
March 12th Spring Break - No Seminar - - -

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available. 

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded. 

Fall 2019 Series

These seminars in a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title. 

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
September 12th Dr. Igor Sharakhov VT, Entomology Dr. Dini Miller Basic and applied aspects of mosquito cytogenetics and genomics
September 19th Dr. Gina Angelella VT Eastern Shore AREC Dr. Megan O'Rourke Implications of agricultural intensification for ecosystem services & disservices: insect-vectored pathogens, pest suppression, & pollination
September 26th Dr. Liz Gleim Hollins University Dr. Gillian Eastwood Ticks & Fire: Can long-term prescribed fire be used to reduce tick-borne disease risk? 
October 3rd Dr. Mike Weaver Virginia Tech Extension Dr. Tim Kring Alwood - The Bug House Legacy
October 10th Dr. Stefan Jaronski USDA, VT Dr. Tom Kuhar Entomopathogens - Managing insect pests with fungi - Where are we going? Where should we be going? 
October 17th Dr. Luis Escobar VT, Fish and Wildlife Dr. Gillian Eastwood Vector-borne disease in the face of climate and land-use change invasive species, fleas, ticks, and mosquitos
October 24th Dr. Doug Pfeiffer VT, Entomology Dr. Dini Miller Spotted Lanturnfly in Virginia: Establishment, expansion, and challenges
October 31st Dr. Megan O'Rourke VT, SPES Dr. Tom Kuhar Cancelled
November 7th Dr. Claire Rittschof University of Kentucky Dr. Maggie Couvillon Busy bees: integrative approaches to behavior and health
November 14th ESA Practice Talks - - -
November 21st ESA - No Seminar - - -
November 28th Thanksgiving - No Seminar - - -
Dec 5th Graduate Student Proposals - Dr. Aaron Gross Graduate Student: Morgan Roth

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available. 

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded. 

Spring 2019 Series

These seminars in a previous semester and their recordings can be viewed by clicking on the link in their title. 

Date Speaker Affliation Host Title*
January 31st Dr. Paul Marek VT, Entomology Dr. Maggie Couvillon Appalachian millipede diversity and the evolution of bioluminescence
February 7th Dr. Kelly Maloney USGS Dr. Sally Entrekin Predicting and forecasting biological condition of streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed using benthic macroinvertebrates 
February 14th Dr. V. Bruce Steward CORTEVA Agriscience Dr. Scott Salom Uncertainty is certain in industry: a perspective from and entomologist in corporate agri-sciences
February 21st

Mr. Greg Pond

US EPA Region III Dr. Sally Entrekin Macroinvertebrates at the source: indicators of flow in extreme headwaters**
February 28th Dr. Jeff Bloomquist University of Florida Dr. Aaron Gross New bioassay methods and chemistries for vector control
March 7th ESA EB Practice Talks - - -
March 14th ESA EB – No seminar - - -
March 21st Dr. Kasie Raymann UNCG Dr. Maggie Couvillon The impact of the gut microbiome on honey bee health**
March 28th Dr. Chloé Lahondere VT, Biochemistry Dr. Roger Schürch Thermal biology, eco-physiology and neuroethology of disease vector insects  
April 4th Dr. Susan Fahrbach Wake Forest University Dr. Maggie Couvillon Impacts of fipronil on honey bee brain development
April 11th Dr. Philip Tipping USDA-ARS Dr. Scott Salom / Jeremiah Foley Canceled
April 18th Student Proposals - - -
April 25th Student Proposals - - -
May 2nd Student Proposals - - -
May 9th Dr. Roberto Galizi Imperial College Dr. Igor Sharakhov Genetic tools for the control of human malaria mosquitoes

*Recorded seminars are found by using the link on the title if the recording is available. 

** Speaker requested the seminar not be recorded.